Sunday, March 8th, 3:00 pm
The Performing Arts Series of Gold Canyon United Methodist Church will present a Spring Concert on Sunday, March 8, at 3:00 pm in our Sanctuary. Featured will be the Chancel Choir, Canyon Carillon (handbells), Agape Brass Quintet, Joyful Noise (children’s choir), Chanters Men’s Chorus, Women’s Chorus, the GCUMC Orchestra, solo works on the 3-manual Rodgers Trillium 967 organ with MIDI and a piano trio on the 9’3” Petrof Mistral Concert Grand Piano. The music will include a broad range of styles and composers. Hopefully there will be something for everyone! All the proceeds from this concert will go to the church’s Pipes for the Organ Fund.
This concert is open to the public at no charge as an offering will be received. Director of Music Ministries, Doug Benton, says, “We are raising funds to provide several sets of actual wind-blown pipes to be added to our digital organ which will give us a tremendous visual enhancement as well as allowing us to place the speakers within the pipes to create a broader sound without it being so focused as it is now.
This is a great opportunity to invite your family, friends and neighbors to experience a very fine and varied program of great music. Everyone is asked to please bring at least one non-perishable food item per person for the Gold Canyon UMC Food Bank. For more information, please call the church office at 480-982-3776.