Kindness Campaign: More Than Roadside Assistance
Have you ever wondered who your neighbor truly is? This message will challenge us to look beyond our boundaries and show kindness to everyone we meet which can transform our lives and our community.
Have you ever wondered who your neighbor truly is? This message will challenge us to look beyond our boundaries and show kindness to everyone we meet which can transform our lives and our community.
In a world often filled with division and darkness, Jesus reminds us that the greatest commandment—to love one another—is the key to fulfilling all of God’s law. We’ll explore what it means to wake up from spiritual slumber, to cast off the deeds of darkness, and to put on the armor of light. How can we, as followers of Christ, make love our guiding principle in every interaction?
Do you ever feel like you’ve strayed too far, like you’re just one in a crowd? In this message, we’re exploring how God values each of us individually, pursuing us with an unending love. Imagine the joy of finding something you thought was lost forever—this is the joy God experiences when even one person returns to Him!
Has anyone ever been distracted? Truthfully, we live in a world full of distractions. With everything going on in our world and inside our head, how do we re-center and re-focus our attention on Jesus Christ? In this week’s sermon, we will not only consider this query, we will look at some ways to navigate our lives in order to become re-focused and re-centered into Christ’s presence.
In a world often filled with judgment and exclusion, Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus is a beacon of hope and acceptance. We’ll explore how Jesus’ unconditional love reached out to a man who was despised and considered a sinner, transforming him into a new person filled with generosity and joy. Zacchaeus’ story is a powerful reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God’s love and grace.
Part of being grateful is understanding that God’s grace is offered to everyone. We cannot store up, deny, or gain more grace by being good people. God’s grace is a gift to the world.
Have you ever wondered what it means to pass the torch? Come and explore how Elisha’s call speaks to us today about mentorship, leadership, and the importance of raising up the next generation. How can we ensure that our faith and values are carried forward? What does it mean to be both a mentor and a mentee in our spiritual journeys?
The Lost Son is a parable about grace, mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration. Some forms of restoration we cannot control. Age and time create changes in our lives which we cannot exchange for youth. However, we can offer extravagant grace, forgiveness, and mercy to others, in the hopes of restoring relationships with lost souls. Will you and I join that celebration?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed and in need of a moment’s peace? In this message, we will uncover the hidden power of solitude and its significance in our spiritual journey. In this week’s sermon, we explore how Jesus frequently withdrew to solitary places to pray. What can we learn from Jesus’ practice of seeking solitude? How can carving out moments of quiet reflection amidst our hectic lives transform our relationship with God and ourselves?
Who do YOU say that I am? This is, perhaps, the most profound and important question that any Christian, young, old, or newcomer to the faith, could ask.