This umbrella team supports and provides supplemental funding for all Local Missions Ministries as needed, as well as supports special requests from the pastor and church staff for youth, and education and outreach programs and projects. Financial support is appreciated and can be made through the church office or designated in church service donation envelopes.

Please check out our Ministry / Mission areas in which you can get involved, as well as contact Small Group Leaders, Class Facilitators and Mission/Ministry Leaders directly.

You can also call Colette Bos, Local Missions Team Chair, (480)695-2109 or the Church Office (480)982-3776.

Angel Tree MinistryAngel Tree

In October our Angel Team begins a two-month Christmas Mission that provides children with 5 wrapped items that include clothing, shoes, socks and a toy; and adults with a gift card. In addition, the family receives a family food box and Basha’s gift card. Clients and partners who are referred to us are from: Project Help, Hope Women’s Center and Sidewalk Sunday School families.

IMG_3698Food Bank – (480) 982-6789

The GCUMC Food Bank is currently open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am–Noon, and has been helping those in need for more than 20 years. We are located in the GCUMC Missions Center located at 8330 E. Sunrise Sky Dr. Gold Canyon (across the street from the Church’s Main Campus).  Each family receives emergency bag(s)s of groceries, depending on their family size.  We do not impose any geographical limitations, and all client information is kept confidential.

Thank to those who have contributed to this local Mission.  Donations to the Food Bank are accepted from 9:00am–noon on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays during the week, on Sunday mornings, and during special events and concerts.  Those interested in volunteering their time by working one or more days are invited to contact the GCUMC Food Bank at The Gold Canyon UMC Food Bank is an equal opportunity provider.

Genesis ProjectGenesis Project

Members from Gold Canyon UMC provide assistance in preparing delicious hot meals and support to the Genesis Project. The Project offers clothing, shower vouchers a hot meal and a to-go meal to the hungry and homeless in the Apache Junction and Gold Canyon area.  The Genesis Project is located at 564 N. Idaho Rd. in Apache Junction, and is open Monday through Friday, noon to 2:00pm. Those interested in volunteering, donating or providing financial support for this extremely important local mission are encouraged to contact Mid Carlozzi via or calling the Church Office.

5110 Habitat HumanityHabitat for Humanity Project

At Habitat for Humanity we believe that everyone, everywhere, should have a healthy, affordable place to call home. Purchasing a Habitat house helps families break the cycle of poverty and build long-term financial security. With an affordable, stable home, families have more to spend on food, medicine, child care, education and other essentials. We are always looking for volunteers to assist in the renovation, in providing lunches, and cash gifts in any amount to support this special ministry. For more details and information, please contact Joe and Maureen Morton at 602-284-2826.

Open Books – Open Hearts

Enriching children’s lives from toddler to teen by giving them books of their own. In conjunction with the GCUMC Food Bank, children of Food Bank clients are invited to take a new children’s book home with them at no charge. The selection includes everything from toddler picture books, to easy reader, chapter books and youth novels. Our teacher volunteers purchase books with funds donated by church. This ministry also provides a book for each child referred to us through the Christmas Angel Tree ministry. Financial donations to this ministry can be made at the Church Office.

St. Andrew’s Clinic

This “Clinic of Love” is a volunteer-driven health clinic located at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Nogales, Arizona.  Every month, the clinic opens its doors for one day, during which volunteer physicians of all specialties treat 200-250 patients.  Monetary donations for St. Andrew’s Clinic are accepted year-round in the church.

LOGO_Stitches UnlimitedStitches Unlimited

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month at 9am to make quilts and afghans for adults in skilled nursing facilities, Angel Tree Ministry families, children at St. Andrew’s Clinic in Nogales, the Apache Junction Child Crisis Care Center, and lap robes for residents of local nursing homes.  Anyone interested in joining others in this ministry are invited to come.  For more info, contact the Church Office.