Check out our Ministries/Missions page to check out areas in which you can get involved, as well as contact Small Group Leaders, Class Facilitators and Mission/Ministry Leaders directly.

Visit the Church Calendar for specific times, dates and locations. 

DISCIPLE Bible Study Series

The DISCIPLE Bible Study series, which is made up of four sets of studies, is designed to help individuals and groups develop a strong faith through the in-depth study of Scripture. Through DISCIPLE, participants are strengthened in their faith and guided into service and ministry. Although many Disciple groups complete the four sets of studies together, all are welcome to join at any time, after completing DISCIPLE I. Most of our DISCIPLE groups meet from September/October through May and are able to complete one set of studies in the series per year.
  • DISCIPLE I: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study

During this thirty-four week course, groups move through the biblical stories of Creation to the New Jerusalem. The titles of the sessions along with the theme words, theme verses, and major persons, events, and topics set the sequence of the biblical story in the minds of the participants. The principal Scripture for each session follows the chronological movement of the biblical story.
  • DISCIPLE II: Into the Word; Into the World

Designed for those who have completed DISCIPLE I, this thirty-two week study encourages participants to open themselves to hearing what God has to say to them through the Bible, and to be guided into service in the world by the study of Scripture. Each week focuses on a specific portion of Scripture, allowing participants to delve deeper into them. The Scripture passages are selected from four specific books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts), with appropriate connections made to other parts of Scripture through both reading and study assignments.
  • DISCIPLE III: Remember Who You Are

The driving idea behind this study is the connection between memory and identity as people of God. Participants in this thirty-two week study will read the major and minor Old Testament prophets (except Daniel), as well as the thirteen letters traditionally attributed to Paul. Several themes weave their way through this study: the call to remember, the call to repentance, the need for renewed vision, and the place of community.
  • DISCIPLE IV: Under the Tree of Life

The last of the DISCIPLE series, this 32-week study focuses on invitation, welcome, sheltering, security, and rest—home at last. The biblical texts used in this study include several from the Old Testament (Ruth, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ester, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations, and Daniel), as well as the New (the Gospel of John, 1/2/3 John, James, Jude, and Revelation. Emphasis on the Psalms as Israel’s hymnbook and prayer book leads naturally to an emphasis on worship in this study. Present throughout is the sense of living toward completion, toward the climax of the message and the promise, extravagantly pictured in the Revelation.
  • DISCIPLE V: Jesus in the Gospels

Small Group Studies

Throughout the year, a number of Small Group Studies are offered on both Sunday mornings and during the week.

Other Study Opportunities

  • Advent and Lenten topical studies
  • Bible-based, 8-week electives
  • Small neighborhood groups

Additional Groups & Support include…

  • AA / Al-Anon
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Cancer Support Group provides spiritual support, love, friendship and a helping hand to cancer patients, caregivers and their families.
  • GCUMC Men’s Group gathers for fun, food and fellowship while doing a variety of activities in an assortment of venues.
  • GriefShare Support Group helps anyone suffering from major losses that are an inevitable part of life, including death, divorce, relocation, job loss and other traumatic experiences.
  • Hiking Group of men and women who trek together in God’s beauty.
  • CareGivers is for family members and caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s and other dementia diseases. Provides a place to share information and ideas, and find the peace that comes with knowing that one is not alone in one’s struggle.
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry provides shawls that are made with prayers and love, and shared with those who are ill, hospitalized or homebound as a physical reminder that God’s people are praying for the recipient.