Youth Ministry

SundayIMG_5280 School:  Junior High and Senior High Youth (7th – 12th grades) are invited to attend our 11:00 Youth Sunday School class in the Youth Room which is located in the Education Building.  Come join us for fun, creative and interactive Bible Study lessons!

Sunday UMYF:  The UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) meets on Sunday from 12noon-2pm and is open to young people of Junior High and High School age.  The group combines fun and fellowship with faith-based lessons and discussions.  Our staff and a team of volunteers help young people develop a strong foundation of faith while strengthening their support system of friends and church family. We will be forming a volleyball team and a youth band soon.  Call for more details.

Youth_2017_IMG_5462Youth Praise Band:  Rehearses on Sundays at 12:10pm in the Koinonia Room.

Mission Trip:  The GCUMC Youth Group participates in a Mission Trip every summer to different areas of the country. The whole congregation is involved by helping to fund the trips through the Shareholder’s Program. For more info, contact Valerie or (480) 982-3776.