Sermons tagged with ‘Humility’

110 of 14 items

Upside Down: Strong When Weak


There is a stark contrast between the way Jesus ministers and the way the world operates. When Jesus intentionally chooses a donkey as a symbol of humility, he also declares Himself as the Messiah – the promised one who comes not as a mighty conqueror, but as a servant of all. In this message we will compare Jesus’ riding a donkey vs. Pilate’s riding a horse into Jerusalem.

Praying with a Sideways Glance


There is a big difference between works and grace. The difference is life-changing. But, it’s easy to miss. Fortunately, Jesus tells a parable of a tax collector and Pharisee, which brings the issue starkly into the light.

Light Your Candle: The Voice of Mary


Mary, the young mother of Jesus, was as a woman powerless in the face of those who ruled the land. Still, in the Magnificat, Mary exults in a power that comes, not from a throne or any earthly authority, but from God. God’s powerful grace and love through Jesus is then claimed for the poor and oppressed.

Better Together: Hollow Inside


Did you know there’s a difference between being great at something and being great? You may have known a musician or singer who was great at making music so you idolized them. But then they did something that made it obvious they were far from great. Athletes, politicians, pastors, bosses and even spouses can be great at something but fail the test of being great. The Apostle Paul and Jesus give us the missing ingredient they needed.

The Church Has Left the Building: Titles or Testimonies


Three times the Disciples of Jesus argue about who is the greatest. Can you imagine that? These disciples watch Jesus minister to the least, the last and the lost but they still are concerned with their pecking order in the followers of Jesus. Jesus overhears their arguments and gives them some advice.

Find Joy This Christmas: In Lowly Places


Mary came from an insignificant town named Nazareth. Most people who knew of Nazareth looked down on it. Yet God selects a girl from Nazareth to bring Jesus into the world. A young girl from a nowhere place plays a big role in the beginning of Christianity. God’s choice of Mary tells us about God’s preference to use the lowly and the least likely to do His work in the world.

Do We Remember?


Talk about God is falling out of favor in our country. Some say it is not cool any longer to talk about God because people from other cultures and religions are excluded. Some say we don’t talk much about God because it makes people uncomfortable. Others say we are so smart that we have moved […]

Following Jesus: The Big Ask


Sermon preached at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church in Gold Canyon, Arizona on March 18, 2018 by Rev. Fred A. Steinberg Gold Canyon United Methodist Church 6640 S Kings Ranch Rd. Gold Canyon, Arizona 85118 480-982-3776

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church