Sermons tagged with ‘Jesus’

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Our Savior wore a thorny crown to the cross. This cruelty is but yet another detail of not only His unspeakable suffering but His saving work on our behalf. Consider how the Scriptures help us understand thorns on this Good Friday as we celebrate the Gospel.

Jesus asked: “Who Do You Say That I Am?”


Rumors were circulating about Jesus. Some people said He was John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. Some might’ve also said he is a crazy man, a quack, or an inspired, brilliant teacher. They were asking the same question that we ask today. Who do we think Jesus is? How we answer that question lays out the foundation of our faith. In this message, we will be challenged as Jesus asks, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”

I Am… The Gate


Jesus said, “I am the gate.” Some of his listeners understood part of what he meant but there is a deeper meaning. A meaning they had difficulty comprehending. When we go through the gate, Jesus talks about we discover new possibilities and leave our past behind. Going through the gate promises a new life.

Ash Wednesday: Shattered


Each of us is created as a holy vessel of embodied love. Our sense of wholeness has been shattered. We look to Lent to be a season or recovery after the toxicity of this last year. Jesus is in solidarity with our healing of body, soul and spirit, where beauty is created from that which feels broken.

Find Joy This Christmas: In a Baby


The Emperor Augustus of the Roman empire was the most powerful man on the planet. He was also the wealthiest man in the Empire. He was called son of God, Savior of the world, King of Kings and Lord. Yet while Augustus was ruling, a little baby born in a stable in Bethlehem would have far greater impact that Augustus. Eventually all the titles used for a Augustus would be used to describe Jesus. Today we honor Jesus and not Augustus.

Leaving the Lazy Boy


We might seek relaxation, comfort and safety. We might even buy a Lazy Boy Chair. But Jesus calls us away from all that. God’s Kingdom is filled with adventure but will we leave the comfort behind and follow Jesus?

Life Advice 101


The message will focus on four insights found in Prov. 3: 5, 6 which constitute fundamental advice for life. These four insights include a principle, a precaution, a practicality and a promise.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church