Sermons tagged with ‘Generosity’

110 of 12 items

Seagulls & An Open Trunk


When it comes to comfort and care the early church of the first century knew how to help one another, and love one another. In this message we learn from the early church three keys to be a more loving church and we learn to banish the seagulls.

How Is Your Heart: Generous Heart


The apostle Paul points out in 2 Corinthians 9 that we have a choice. We can shape our lives in terms of abundance or scarcity. Our choice affects how we look at life. This is to say, we have to decide whether we will live by faith or by fear. To live by faith is to live out of the confidence that God provides; there will always be enough. To live by worry is to believe that there isn’t and won’t be enough. How do you live? Do you think that your life is filled with abundance or scarcity? We will dig into this question in a message titled, “How is Your Heart: Generous Heart.”

God’s Love is Generous: Putting Down the Shovel


Where do we invest our life? Do we invest in stuff that loses value over time? That is sold off for pennies on the dollar at the end of our life. What do we do with the talents God invests in us. Do we dig a hole in the ground and bury them or do we double their value? Will God say, “well done good and faithful steward?”

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church