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Who is Jesus: I Am the Truth


Are you seeking the Truth in a world full of uncertainty? Jesus doesn’t just talk about truth as a concept; He embodies it. In this message, we will unpack the significance of Jesus being our pathway to truth. We’ll see how His life and teachings provide clear direction and purpose amidst our complex worlds. Watch and be inspired to live out the truth of Jesus in your everyday life. Let’s grow together and witness the remarkable ways God works through those who embrace His truth.

Why Are My Prayers Unanswered?


Have you ever prayed for healing and felt like your prayers weren’t answered? It’s a common experience, one that can leave us feeling discouraged and wondering if our faith is lacking. But in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Paul reminds us that sometimes God’s answer to our prayers is not the one we were hoping for. He tells us that he pleaded with God three times to remove a thorn in his flesh, but God’s response was, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

This scripture is a powerful reminder that God’s ways are not our ways, and that sometimes our struggles are the very things that allow us to experience God’s grace and power in a deeper way.

Light Your Candle: The Voice of Mary


Mary, the young mother of Jesus, was as a woman powerless in the face of those who ruled the land. Still, in the Magnificat, Mary exults in a power that comes, not from a throne or any earthly authority, but from God. God’s powerful grace and love through Jesus is then claimed for the poor and oppressed.

Any Limits… to God’s Kingdom


What is the Kingdom of God? It’s harder for us to understand the Kingdom of God today because we don’t have kings and kingdoms in the United States. Yet Jesus frequently talked about the Kingdom of God in three different ways.

Any Limits…to God’s Mercy


There are some Christians who think that if someone doesn’t believe exactly like they do their salvation is in question. Is this true? Do we need to say certain words to make sure our salvation is not in question? Christians give different answers to these questions. Our answer depends on how wide is God’s mercy?

Find Joy This Christmas: In a Baby


The Emperor Augustus of the Roman empire was the most powerful man on the planet. He was also the wealthiest man in the Empire. He was called son of God, Savior of the world, King of Kings and Lord. Yet while Augustus was ruling, a little baby born in a stable in Bethlehem would have far greater impact that Augustus. Eventually all the titles used for a Augustus would be used to describe Jesus. Today we honor Jesus and not Augustus.

Not Any Less


A diverse group of people were drawn to Jesus. Tax Collectors, Sinners, Pharisees and Teachers of the Law were all interested in Jesus. Some thought they were unworthy of God’s love and some thought they had earned their way into God’s love. Both these assumptions turned out to be wrong. Those who knew they were lost were on the right track and those who thought they weren’t part of the lost group were in jeopardy of being lost. In the lost and found chapter of the Bible, Jesus reaches out to both types of people.

God loves you and there is nothing you can do that will make Him love you any less.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church