Sermons tagged with ‘Mary’

110 of 12 items

God Taps Nazareth Nobody


The Nativity story could generate some captivating headlines because God is challenging the world to change. Mary’s Magnificat is somewhat revolutionary. There have been times in history when governments have banned the reading of Mary’s Magnificat for fear it might stir up the people they are oppressing. What headlines do we see in Mary’s words?

Saving the Best for Last


Christmas brings blessed gifts that never wear out or become passé. Consider what each of the Christmas characters demonstrates in their lives.

Light Your Candle: The Voice of Mary


Mary, the young mother of Jesus, was as a woman powerless in the face of those who ruled the land. Still, in the Magnificat, Mary exults in a power that comes, not from a throne or any earthly authority, but from God. God’s powerful grace and love through Jesus is then claimed for the poor and oppressed.

Find Joy This Christmas: In Lowly Places


Mary came from an insignificant town named Nazareth. Most people who knew of Nazareth looked down on it. Yet God selects a girl from Nazareth to bring Jesus into the world. A young girl from a nowhere place plays a big role in the beginning of Christianity. God’s choice of Mary tells us about God’s preference to use the lowly and the least likely to do His work in the world.

Mary’s Curve Ball


Life sends us curve balls. We lose our job. Our spouse dies. We file for bankruptcy. We get a divorce. We are hurt in a severe accident. A child becomes addicted to drugs. The list goes on and on. Mary the mother of Jesus was thrown a curve ball when the angel tells her that she will give birth to the son of God. Her reaction to Gabriel’s curve ball is a helpful example of how we might react.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church