Sermons by Katharine Keller

110 of 39 items

Tongues of Fire


On Pentecost Day long ago God’s Spirit came upon the saints in Jerusalem. We desire that same Spirit to come upon us today. We welcome the flame and light of God’s Spirit as it renews us with an energized faith and affirms us as God’s people who worship and celebrate with strength, courage and hope in Christ.

The Story of Resurrection: On Being Lazarus


We find ourselves here today, and we know the story. But what does a fantastical resurrection story have to do with us? The ultimate message is this: no matter how dead you feel inside, or how dead your life dreams may feel, God is making a way for you. there is always hope. Can you turn your life around? Can you find new life when everything feels lifeless? Can light shine in what feels like a dark tomb? Yes. Yes. Yes! Join us as we hear stories about those who have found “resurrection” in their lives. It might just inspire you to unlock your own rising up!

What’s Love Got to Do with It?


Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fall on the same day this year. On Ash Wednesday God hands to us the most beautiful valentine of them all…God opens up God’s heart and shows us that you and I are what God treasures most.

Turn the Page


In order to turn the page and own every area of your life, you must get in the habit of living your life in the presence of God. God does not want anyone wandering in the wilderness forever. A place of promise awaits you…and God is waiting for you to enter.

What’s in a Rock?


As Moses led the Israelites out of the desert, God provided water and honey from the rocks to ease their long journey. Fast forward to God providing salvation for His people for eternity by providing the solid rock of Jesus Christ. “All other ground is sinking sand.”

Roll Down, Justice: We Have Work To Do


Baptismal waters continue to feed the streams of justice as we allow the Holy Spirit to work within us every time we set our hands and feet to the work God has for us to do. As long as there are those who are hurting, hungry, excluded and oppressed, we are called to be faithful disciples, setting a table and inviting all to the feast.

Roll Down, Justice: Sheep or Goats?


At our baptism we promise to nurture others and are reminded that we are to “serve as Christ’s representatives in the world.” Today we ask the question, “do we as the church look and act like Jesus?”

Roll Down Justice: How Long?


We long for God’s justice and peace; we long to be released from the shackles of fear and injustice and until that time, we cry out with the psalmist, “How long?”

Roll Down, Justice: Child of God


This is a time of reminding ourselves who we are called to be in this world as a child of God. Our series is inspired by Amos, a prophet whose message is that God calls us to let “justice roll down like waters.”

Men of Courage

No matter our age, men are commissioned to go into our communities and be a father figure to especially those boys who need a godly male role model, one who loves them unconditionally and leads them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church