Sermons by Rev. Fay Quanstrom

110 of 31 items

Saving the Best for Last


Christmas brings blessed gifts that never wear out or become passé. Consider what each of the Christmas characters demonstrates in their lives.

It’s the Little Things


Little things can make a big impact and the bible is full of examples to look at. This morning we will be reading about a slave girl, a boy with a sling, and a boy and his lunch who all made a big impact.

Invisible and Intangible


This message will help you locate yourself in the account of the 10 lepers and hear it in a fresh way, building one’s commitment to prayer and trust.

For the Sake of His Sheep


Were you ever admonished “Don’t be a sheep?” When Jesus identified himself as Shepherd he described an occupation familiar to his hearers, challenging their relationship, and ours, with him.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church