Sermons by Rev. David Harriss

4 Items

The Better Part


Has anyone ever been distracted? Truthfully, we live in a world full of distractions. With everything going on in our world and inside our head, how do we re-center and re-focus our attention on Jesus Christ? In this week’s sermon, we will not only consider this query, we will look at some ways to navigate our lives in order to become re-focused and re-centered into Christ’s presence.

Extravagant Grace


Part of being grateful is understanding that God’s grace is offered to everyone. We cannot store up, deny, or gain more grace by being good people. God’s grace is a gift to the world.

Creating Restoration


The Lost Son is a parable about grace, mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration. Some forms of restoration we cannot control. Age and time create changes in our lives which we cannot exchange for youth. However, we can offer extravagant grace, forgiveness, and mercy to others, in the hopes of restoring relationships with lost souls. Will you and I join that celebration?

Who Do YOU Say That I Am?


Who do YOU say that I am? This is, perhaps, the most profound and important question that any Christian, young, old, or newcomer to the faith, could ask.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church