Easter Sunrise Service
6:00 am
The Sunrise Service will be held in our north parking lot with the beautiful Superstition Mountains as the backdrop. This year’s service will include communion and special music. Rev. Katharine Keller will give the Easter message at this service. Afterwards, you are invited to a light breakfast.
Traditional Easter Services
8:00 am & 9:30 am
Classic traditional Easter worship with choir. Children’s message at 9:30 service. Rev. Fred A. Steinberg will give the Easter message at this service.
Praise Easter Service
10:50 am
Worship with “Uncommon Grace” Praise Band. Children’s message will be given at this service. Rev. Fred A. Steinberg will give the Easter message at this service.
Gospel Easter Sunset Service Sing-Along
4:00 pm
Easter is a glorious day and what better way to end the day than to sing God’s praises together at our Easter Sunset Service at 4pm! We’ll sing from our hymnals some songs we often don’t include, along with some favorites as well. Join us for this special hour of worship!