Sermons tagged with ‘Action’

4 Items

Jesus asked: Do you want to be healed?


Do you want to be made well? How many people caught in a troubled marriage refuse to seek counseling? How many people caught in the cycle of drug abuse feel desperate about their lives but won’t seek help because it might require change? People abuse their bodies and die early rather than change to a healthier lifestyle to live longer. People abuse their souls and watch those souls wither and perish rather than plug into the regenerating power of God’s love. Jesus knew that there are times when we are ill, and he asked us, “Do you want to be made well?” This is the focus of today’s message.

Ticket For A Cruise?


Some people think that the Church is similar to a cruise ship. It’s all about the church meeting their needs. And, if the cruise ship doesn’t measure up, they’ll go looking for one that does. But this isn’t a biblical view of the church. The perspective is more like another ship. Can you guess which one?

One Without the Other


Why are some Christians mean and unethical? Why are some of the most knowledgeable people about the Bible the most uncaring and unloving people that we have ever met? We would expect all Christians to be loving and compassionate. Yet our experience tells us that this is not true. Some Christians are loving while others don’t seem to have let their knowledge about Jesus change their actions. Why is there a difference? Pastor Fred Steinberg will explain the critical difference in this message.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church