Sermons tagged with ‘Despair’

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A Lifeline


Hope can make all the difference in our lives. Hope is the energy that powers us forward and helps us accomplish something that others think is impossible. On the other hand, some of us might be experiencing hopelessness. We might feel let down and drained of all energy. We know we have lost hope. In the message this week, Pastor Fred will help us find the lifeline of hope that God extends to us.

Find Joy This Christmas: In Difficult Places


The Bible is full of joy. There are more than 400 passages in the Bible about joy. But some of the passages in the Bible are about having joy in the midst of adversity. That seems to be surprising. How do we find joy if we are struggling? How do we find joy when there seems to be no hope? In this message we will take a look at finding joy in difficult places.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church