Have you ever been envious of another person? The Oxford Languages describe envy as “a feeling of discontented or resentful longing attributed to someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.” There is a danger in being envious of another person’s accomplishments and successes. Quite often, we create value and worth in accordance to what we have. We generate feelings of worth and value by contrasting ourselves with other people’s lives and lifestyles. How do we navigate through these feelings of wanting more than what we currently have? The opposite of envy is gratitude. Gratitude involves being thankful for what the Lord has given us. Part of being grateful is understanding that God’s grace is offered to everyone. We cannot store up, deny, or gain more grace by being good people. God’s grace is a gift to the world. The parable of the landowner and the vineyard is a story of God’s grace. In the end, we may ask the same question that the landowner asks: Are we envious of a God that offers the same grace to everyone? And, can we stop being envious of other people’s successes and accomplishments by understanding that God loves each and everyone of us?