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Pass the Torch


Have you ever wondered what it means to pass the torch? Come and explore how Elisha’s call speaks to us today about mentorship, leadership, and the importance of raising up the next generation. How can we ensure that our faith and values are carried forward? What does it mean to be both a mentor and a mentee in our spiritual journeys?

Creating Restoration


The Lost Son is a parable about grace, mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration. Some forms of restoration we cannot control. Age and time create changes in our lives which we cannot exchange for youth. However, we can offer extravagant grace, forgiveness, and mercy to others, in the hopes of restoring relationships with lost souls. Will you and I join that celebration?

Catching Your Breath


Do you ever feel overwhelmed and in need of a moment’s peace? In this message, we will uncover the hidden power of solitude and its significance in our spiritual journey. In this week’s sermon, we explore how Jesus frequently withdrew to solitary places to pray. What can we learn from Jesus’ practice of seeking solitude? How can carving out moments of quiet reflection amidst our hectic lives transform our relationship with God and ourselves?

Resolving Conflict


How do we navigate conflicts in our lives while remaining true to our faith? Jesus provides us with practical and heartfelt guidance on how to address disagreements and conflicts within our community. Whether it’s a misunderstanding with a friend, a family squabble, or a deeper rift, Jesus teaches us the power of forgiveness and reconciliation. Our message this week, will explore the steps Jesus outlines for resolving conflicts and the transformative power of mercy and grace. We’ll delve into the significance of forgiving not just seven times, but seventy-seven times, and how this radical call to forgiveness can heal our relationships and strengthen our faith community. Together, let’s learn how to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth and unity.

Heart of the Gospel: Loving One Another


The Apostle John calls us to remember the message we’ve known from the beginning: to love one another. In our often divided and hectic world, how do we embody this profound and powerful love? This message, “Heart of the Gospel: Loving One Another,” will explore how genuine love goes beyond words and is demonstrated through our actions. We’ll dive deep into the Scripture to understand how love shapes our relationships, builds our community, and reflects God’s presence in our lives. Discover how love, when practiced authentically, can bridge gaps, heal wounds, and bring hope to those around us.

The Giving Tree


Following Christ brings good things; we are transformed through faith and loved in spite of ourselves.

Some Gave and Some Gave All


This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day, a time to remember and honor those who paid the ultimate price in service to their country. We also celebrate Trinity Sunday and reflect on how Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for all of humankind.

Tongues of Fire


On Pentecost Day long ago God’s Spirit came upon the saints in Jerusalem. We desire that same Spirit to come upon us today. We welcome the flame and light of God’s Spirit as it renews us with an energized faith and affirms us as God’s people who worship and celebrate with strength, courage and hope in Christ.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church