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What’s in a Rock?


As Moses led the Israelites out of the desert, God provided water and honey from the rocks to ease their long journey. Fast forward to God providing salvation for His people for eternity by providing the solid rock of Jesus Christ. “All other ground is sinking sand.”

Upside Down: Strong When Weak


There is a stark contrast between the way Jesus ministers and the way the world operates. When Jesus intentionally chooses a donkey as a symbol of humility, he also declares Himself as the Messiah – the promised one who comes not as a mighty conqueror, but as a servant of all. In this message we will compare Jesus’ riding a donkey vs. Pilate’s riding a horse into Jerusalem.

Upside Down: Wise When Foolish


Have you ever stopped and really thought about the concept of the cross? I mean, it’s literally a symbol of torture and death! So, it’s not surprising that many people view the cross as foolishness. But, in 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, the Apostle Paul challenges that perspective. He says that he preaches the cross, even though it appears to be foolishness, because it reveals the power of God. In this message we will see how it reveals God’s love and compassion.

Upside Down: Greatest is Least


It can be tough to resist the temptation to seek status and power. We live in a world that values these things highly. As we know, the disciples of Jesus sought status and position. James and John dare to ask for seats at the right and left of Jesus. But Jesus, who served His disciples by washing their feet, had a different view on what true greatness meant.

Upside Down: Yoke of Rest


Jesus tells us that he provides a yoke that will bring us rest. That sounds counterintuitive. In a world where we are constantly on the go and stressed out, Jesus offers us a way to find peace and solace using an object lesson of a yoke. It’s not an item that one would usually look to for rest. In this message, we will unpack the meaning behind Jesus’s words.

Reflecting God’s Glory


God’s glory rubbed off on Moses as he received the Ten Commandments from God. The glow was a visible sign of his encounter with the Lord. How might we give of God’s glory in what we do and say as Christians?

Dim Reflection


We may think we see clearly, but we see dimly, like looking in a foggy mirror. We know only in part and prophesy in part, and our understanding of God will never be complete. In this message, we will take a look at how our perception is limited and how faith and love help us cope until the day when we see God clearly.

Trashing the Good Stuff


Join us for a message on Philippians 3:4-14, where we will delve deep into the mind and heart of the Apostle Paul. Our focus will be on how Paul persevered towards his goal of attaining the resurrection of the dead, and how he let go of anything that may have distracted or deterred him from reaching that goal. In this scripture, Paul reveals that he had previously placed his confidence in the flesh and earthly things. However, he now considers these things to be rubbish and insignificant compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ and attaining the resurrection of the dead. Our sermon will explore the implications of Paul’s words, and we will learn how to apply them to our own lives. We will find out how to identify and let go of distractions that hinder our progress and how to shift our focus towards our ultimate goal.

Message in the Munchies


One of the most significant statements made by Jesus is that he is “the bread of life.” In this message we will delve into the deeper, more profound meaning of Jesus’ words, examining how he offers himself as the true bread of heaven, the source of spiritual nourishment that gives life to the world. We will also contemplate the ways in which our spiritual hunger and thirst can be satisfied by the grace of God, who offers us the bread of life through faith in Jesus Christ. So watch and discover the transformative power of the bread of life.

Field of Weeds


Join us for this enlightening message as we explore the powerful parable found in Matthew 13:24-30. This passage offers deep insights into the nature of God’s kingdom and the challenges we face as followers of Christ in a complex and often confusing world. We’ll dive into the symbolism of the wheat and the weeds and explore what they represent, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of how we can live as faithful disciples in the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church