Extravagant Grace
Part of being grateful is understanding that God’s grace is offered to everyone. We cannot store up, deny, or gain more grace by being good people. God’s grace is a gift to the world.
Part of being grateful is understanding that God’s grace is offered to everyone. We cannot store up, deny, or gain more grace by being good people. God’s grace is a gift to the world.
Why did a woman with a bad reputation bring expensive perfume and anoint Jesus’ feet with it? There is a back story that Luke is not telling us. What happened earlier in the day? What encounter did Jesus have with this woman? As Pastor Fred explores this story we may find it has transformative effects in our life.
We live in a world of conflict. People hate each other. But Jesus tells us to love each other. Are there any limits to this love? We want to know who is our neighbor so we can put borders around who we must love. So who is our neighbor? Who must we love?
God has promised to accept us, so we as the people of God should accept one another.
A diverse group of people were drawn to Jesus. Tax Collectors, Sinners, Pharisees and Teachers of the Law were all interested in Jesus. Some thought they were unworthy of God’s love and some thought they had earned their way into God’s love. Both these assumptions turned out to be wrong. Those who knew they were lost were on the right track and those who thought they weren’t part of the lost group were in jeopardy of being lost. In the lost and found chapter of the Bible, Jesus reaches out to both types of people.
God loves you and there is nothing you can do that will make Him love you any less.
Sermon preached at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church in Gold Canyon, Arizona on January 6, 2019 by Rev. Fred A. Steinberg
Sermon preached at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church in Gold Canyon, Arizona on May 21, 2017 by Rev. Fred A. Steinberg
Sermon preached at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church in Gold Canyon, Arizona on June 12, 2016 by Rev. Fred Steinberg