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Grateful Hearts: GSL


If we don’t build a strong financial foundation, we will struggle our whole lives. But once we build that foundation we find that we are able to give, save and live on the rest. In this message we will focus on how to build that foundation.

Grateful Hearts: Cain or Abel


We know the scriptures say, “God loves a cheerful giver.” A cheerful giver doesn’t give reluctantly or out of compulsion. A cheerful giver gives out of thanks for all that God does for him or her. Maybe that was Cain’s problem.

Watering Hole


Every one of God’s creatures needs water. We certainly know that we can’t survive in the desert for long without water. In a similar way we need the “Living Water” that Jesus offers. Yet, we often choose to drink from other sources which pollute our soul. So where is you watering hole?

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church