Sermons tagged with ‘Call’

110 of 12 items

Water of Life: Create Ripples


Are you feeling the pull to something greater, yet unsure of where to start? Join us as we delve into what it means to be called by God. This isn’t just about answering a call; it’s about embracing a divine invitation to be part of something far greater than ourselves. Discover how, like Simon Peter, embracing your call can lead to unimaginable blessings and transform your life in ways you never envisioned.

The M&M Life


Imagine asking Martha what she planned to do for the arrival of Jesus. She might’ve said, “I feel pressured to get it right, so I will deep clean the house. This is my duty: after all, anything else would disgrace my family.” And we might ask Mary, “what do you plan to do?” “Sit at the Lord’s feet,” she says. “Listen to what He is teaching. I will use this time to soak up the word of the Lord.” So, Martha might have thought she was the worker and Mary was the shirker. But Jesus decides differently.

Peter: If You Say So


Simon Peter is mentioned in the gospels about two hundred times. In those passages, he sometimes gets it wrong. Other times he shows tremendous courage. And then, in a different moment, Saul argues with Jesus. He is a flawed but faithful disciple of Jesus. Through his story, we can learn how to be better followers of Jesus.

Trust or Not


When Jesus calls some fisherman to follow him they leave their business and father immediately. There is no hesitation. In some ways this seems irresponsible. We may read this story and worry that Jesus might ask us to do the same but the writer has left out some important details. So what is the rest of the story?

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church