Sermons tagged with ‘Compassion’

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Experience a transformative sermon on Mark 1:40-45 this Sunday! Dive into a world where leprosy, a terrible and isolating disease, cast individuals aside by chance. As lepers became outcasts, discover how Jesus broke boundaries by compassionately reaching out and touching the afflicted. Hear powerful insights that challenge our attitudes towards outcasts in our lives. Together, let’s uncover the profound healing and strength hidden within our embrace of empathy and compassion.

Swallowed By Mercy


We sometimes mistakenly think that before Jesus no one in Israel saw God as merciful and forgiving. No-even Jonah had a surface awareness of that. Jonah ran away from God’s command, not because he feared the Ninevites, but because he feared God’s mercy. This Sunday we will hear again about our merciful and compassionate God and celebrate Communion together.

How is Your Heart: Serving Heart


In Matthew 10:40, Jesus says that anyone who receives one of the disciples is thus receiving Jesus, which is like receiving God. Do we understand how this impacts hospitality? There are profound implications in this teaching by Jesus. There are also implications to Jesus talking about a cup of cold water. What’s the big deal, we wonder? But it is a big deal, and we will explore it in the message, “How is Your Heart: Serving Heart.”

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church