Sermons tagged with ‘Cross’

110 of 12 items

Journey to Easter: Hosanna to Hostility


Jesus made a religious and political challenge by riding a donkey into Jerusalem. People flocked to see the parade. Some lined the streets with their cloaks, others waved palm branches, and many sang Hosanna. This parade created a commotion. But unfortunately, that Jerusalem crowd misunderstood the arrival of Jesus. Jesus wasn’t going to be the king they expected. They wanted Churchill, but they got Gandhi. Before it was over, some of those who cried “Hosanna” on Sunday were shouting, “Crucify him” on Friday.

Come Alive: On Trial


Palm Sunday combines two distinctive themes. It reminds us of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and of Jesus’ suffering and death. We would prefer to have a PG version of the story. We want to look away from the details but Jesus went through this suffering for a reason.

Gospel of John: Message on the Cross


Sermon preached at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church in Gold Canyon, Arizona on April 9, 2017 by Rev. Fred A. Steinberg Gold Canyon United Methodist Church 6640 S Kings Ranch Rd. Gold Canyon, Arizona  85118 480-982-3776

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church