Sermons tagged with ‘Gifts’

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I Love My Church: Like a Superhero


If you are a follower of Jesus, did you know that God has given you superpowers so that you can be a superhero? We’re not saying He’s made it possible for you to become famous and have movies about you, but we think part of “loving your church” is being the hero God has made you be. And the hero God has made you be has superpowers. This message highlights the gifts God has given you.

Saving the Best for Last


Christmas brings blessed gifts that never wear out or become passé. Consider what each of the Christmas characters demonstrates in their lives.

Believe: Christmas Gift


Every parent knows the frustration of buying Christmas gifts that sit unused while the empty boxes become the child’s source of joy. That expensive gift you put a lot of thought into for your loved one is now set aside and forgotten. The toy that your child yearned for over the months is suddenly left sitting in the corner unused. What is the most incredible thank you the giver can receive? It is seeing the gift becomes a regular part of the recipient’s life. As Christians, during Christmas, we know we celebrate the gift of Jesus coming into the world. And we realize that the most significant way we can show our thanks is by availing ourselves of that gift. How might God’s gift to us affect our daily lives?

It’s the Little Things


Little things can make a big impact and the bible is full of examples to look at. This morning we will be reading about a slave girl, a boy with a sling, and a boy and his lunch who all made a big impact.

What’s Your Response?


Life is unfair. We learn this early in life because we see it so often. We even find unfairness in the parable Jesus tells about a manager who gives talents to his servants to invest. Yet as Jesus tells the parable he makes no attempt to correct the unfairness. In this message Pastor Fred Steinberg will explore why Jesus builds unfairness into his story and how Jesus’ teachings might help us deal it.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church