Sermons tagged with ‘James 1’

9 Items

Find Joy This Christmas: In Difficult Places


The Bible is full of joy. There are more than 400 passages in the Bible about joy. But some of the passages in the Bible are about having joy in the midst of adversity. That seems to be surprising. How do we find joy if we are struggling? How do we find joy when there seems to be no hope? In this message we will take a look at finding joy in difficult places.

One Without the Other


Why are some Christians mean and unethical? Why are some of the most knowledgeable people about the Bible the most uncaring and unloving people that we have ever met? We would expect all Christians to be loving and compassionate. Yet our experience tells us that this is not true. Some Christians are loving while others don’t seem to have let their knowledge about Jesus change their actions. Why is there a difference? Pastor Fred Steinberg will explain the critical difference in this message.

Spring Fed Words


On Mother’s Day we celebrate those people who lifted us up with their words. Their words gave us life and hope. Yet some on Mother’s Day remember the pain of hurtful words or the absence of words. Pastor Fred will talk about the right word ingredients which make all the difference.

Partial Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves


We sometimes hear somebody say, “God helps those who help themselves.” Is this true? There seems to be some truth to the statement. We see people who work hard and succeed. But what about those who are unable to help themselves? Does God ignore them and only focus on those who are able and capable. […]

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church