Imagine asking Martha what she planned to do for the arrival of Jesus. She might’ve said, “I feel pressured to get it right, so I will deep clean the house. This is my duty: after all, anything else would disgrace my family.” And we might ask Mary, “what do you plan to do?” “Sit at the Lord’s feet,” she says. “Listen to what He is teaching. I will use this time to soak up the word of the Lord.” So, Martha might have thought she was the worker and Mary was the shirker. But Jesus decides differently.
Some of us have faced burnout. We just don’t feel like doing it anymore. Some are tired or exhausted. Sometimes burnout and depression are so severe that we might say, “God just take my life!” We may feel like the prophet Elijah. Yet God ministered to Elijah’s burnout through the sound of sheer silence.