Sermons tagged with ‘Matthew 25’

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God’s Love is Generous: Putting Down the Shovel


Where do we invest our life? Do we invest in stuff that loses value over time? That is sold off for pennies on the dollar at the end of our life. What do we do with the talents God invests in us. Do we dig a hole in the ground and bury them or do we double their value? Will God say, “well done good and faithful steward?”

Better Together: Ordinary People Being Extraordinary


Jesus told a parable using talents as the focus. Even though the talents were money in Jesus’ day this is not a self-help story about improving your finances. Jesus is not talking about multiplying the amount of money that we make. He is talking about something else. He is talking about the life we are given. The successes and failures we experience in life. The strengths and frailness that makes up our life. And we are challenged to use these good and bad experiences in our life to make the world a better place. But sometimes our tendency to avoid risks causes us to bury these talents.

On Your Heart: Green Eyed Envy


We use heart monitors to keep track of our heart beat and it’s rhythm but do we monitor what is on our heart? Do we monitor the emotions that we feel? Because it is those emotions that drive our life. Do various emotions like jealousy rule our heart and guide our life? Then how might we clear our heart of envy?

What’s Your Response?


Life is unfair. We learn this early in life because we see it so often. We even find unfairness in the parable Jesus tells about a manager who gives talents to his servants to invest. Yet as Jesus tells the parable he makes no attempt to correct the unfairness. In this message Pastor Fred Steinberg will explore why Jesus builds unfairness into his story and how Jesus’ teachings might help us deal it.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church