Sermons tagged with ‘Need’

4 Items

Ticket For A Cruise?


Some people think that the Church is similar to a cruise ship. It’s all about the church meeting their needs. And, if the cruise ship doesn’t measure up, they’ll go looking for one that does. But this isn’t a biblical view of the church. The perspective is more like another ship. Can you guess which one?

Journey to Easter: 200 lbs


Sometimes during the season of Lent, people will give up something. They might give up chocolate, caffeine, foul language, bad feelings, or something else that seems to be holding them back from spiritual growth. Sometimes these items are minor, and sometimes they are enormous sacrifices. In John 10:17-22, Jesus asked a man to give up something sacrificial. The man walks away, knowing he cannot do what Jesus requests. In some ways, we might feel sorry for the man. A lot has been asked of him. But if we are focusing on the sacrifice, maybe we have missed the offered opportunity.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church