Sermons tagged with ‘Prayer’

110 of 18 items

From the Pit to the Palace


The session opens with greetings and announcements about community events, including a birthday celebration and a food bank fundraiser. Attendees are invited to participate through donations and volunteering. A key focus is on temptation, sharing personal stories and biblical insights, particularly on how Jesus faced it. The gathering includes prayer, worship, and concludes with blessings for the community, highlighting the joy of coming together.

Why Are My Prayers Unanswered?


Have you ever prayed for healing and felt like your prayers weren’t answered? It’s a common experience, one that can leave us feeling discouraged and wondering if our faith is lacking. But in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Paul reminds us that sometimes God’s answer to our prayers is not the one we were hoping for. He tells us that he pleaded with God three times to remove a thorn in his flesh, but God’s response was, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

This scripture is a powerful reminder that God’s ways are not our ways, and that sometimes our struggles are the very things that allow us to experience God’s grace and power in a deeper way.

You Are Surrounded!


Sometimes it feels like we are surrounded by difficulties, doubts, and death. It’s easy to get discouraged and think you’ll never get out of the dilemma you find yourself in. But, God is surrounding you and whatever you are dealing with. There is an unseen realm where your battles are being fought. Don’t get discouraged by what you see with your physical eyes; through the eyes of faith you can see every obstacle surrounded by Almighty God.

Listening to God: When You Hear “No”


Have you ever heard the statement, “if you have enough faith God will answer your prayer?” Yet when your prayer doesn’t get answered the way you like, you may feel there is something wrong with your faith or maybe God doesn’t exist. Fortunately we can learn from the Apostle Paul who suffered the same problem when he had a “thorn in the flesh.”

Listening to God: Sound of Silence


Some of us have faced burnout. We just don’t feel like doing it anymore. Some are tired or exhausted. Sometimes burnout and depression are so severe that we might say, “God just take my life!” We may feel like the prophet Elijah. Yet God ministered to Elijah’s burnout through the sound of sheer silence.

Invisible and Intangible


This message will help you locate yourself in the account of the 10 lepers and hear it in a fresh way, building one’s commitment to prayer and trust.

The Church Has Left the Building: Don’t Social Distance from God


We left the church building over four months ago. That action can help our faith and Christian witness. We are reminded that the Church never was the building. The Church is the people who used to worship in the building. If we are still the Church then how do we stay close to God and close to each other? It is a plant that will give us some direction.

You’ve Got Mail!


Do you write or receive real letters any more? Perhaps you have a small collection of significant messages you’ve received over the years. Here’s one from Paul the apostle that’s his prayer for us and a great prayer for us to pray for friends, family, and ourselves.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church