Sermons tagged with ‘Reconciliation’

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Resolving Conflict


How do we navigate conflicts in our lives while remaining true to our faith? Jesus provides us with practical and heartfelt guidance on how to address disagreements and conflicts within our community. Whether it’s a misunderstanding with a friend, a family squabble, or a deeper rift, Jesus teaches us the power of forgiveness and reconciliation. Our message this week, will explore the steps Jesus outlines for resolving conflicts and the transformative power of mercy and grace. We’ll delve into the significance of forgiving not just seven times, but seventy-seven times, and how this radical call to forgiveness can heal our relationships and strengthen our faith community. Together, let’s learn how to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth and unity.

Family: Caring Enough to Reconcile

All of us have been hurt by somebody. Some of those wounds go very deep. We might see betrayals as being stabbed in the back. A hurt that can never be forgiven or forgotten. So as Christians how do we move on? Fortunately the Apostle Paul gives us a pathway to work through these issues.

Faith Foundations: The “S” Word


Usually we resist using the “S” word in everyday conversations. But sin or sinner are words Jesus used. While we might shy away from using the word sin because it seems to condemn people, Jesus used it for an entirely different purpose.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church