Sermons tagged with ‘Suffering’

110 of 17 items

Water of Life: Ride Out the Storm


Are you ready to embark on a journey of faith, even when the seas are stormy? In this inspiring message, we’ll explore the depths of trust and faith in the midst of life’s storms. Discover how Jesus’ disciples faced their fears head-on and how we, too, can learn to navigate the storms of our lives with courage and faith. Don’t let this opportunity sail by! Come and be uplifted, encouraged, and renewed. Let’s learn together how to say with confidence, even in the roughest waters, “Peace, be still.”

Where Is God When I Suffer?


Life is full of challenges, but we don’t have to let them defeat us. By discovering that God is with us in our suffering, we can learn to overcome adversity and grow in our faith. Rev. Steinberg will offer practical advice and biblical insights to help you navigate the difficulties of life with a renewed sense of purpose and hope. Don’t miss this powerful message of resilience and faith!

Who is Jesus: Calming Our Fears


Storms hit all of us, and in these rough times, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. But when the waves threaten to swamp our boat, we have a decision to make – will we trust in Jesus? In this message, we’ll explore how Jesus calmed the storm and saved his disciples, teaching us the power of trusting in him during life’s most challenging moments.

Peter: Through the Storm


When we face difficult times, we might feel like we’re in the midst of darkness and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. In other words, we don’t see hope. Some of us might describe it as being in the midst of a storm, and we worry the waves will swamp our boat. A storm threatened to sink Peter and the disciples’ boat, but Jesus arrived on the scene and caused them to think differently. Peter even requested to take a risky step while the other disciples were boat potatoes.

God is For Us!


Often we hear about death and disease, tragedy and betrayal, poverty and pain. In light of this suffering we might ask, why do these things happen God? Where are you in the midst of suffering? As we gather today as people who’ve experienced the deep wounds of pain in our lives we are hungry to hear the voice of hope and to know that God hears our cries.

Bad Things Happen: When Our Request Isn’t Answered


We may experience frustration when we ask God to do something but God doesn’t do it. We may wonder why didn’t God do something to help my family member? Why didn’t God help me land that job? Why didn’t God help me get that date? Why didn’t God keep me from getting sick? What do we do if our request isn’t answered?

Bad Things Happen: How to Prevail


The world is filled with disappointments, challenges, joys, and tremendous sorrows. It is also filled with the worries of COVID-19. But in the middle of this Jesus speaks a fresh word for us. He speaks a word of hope. He speaks a word of grace. What fresh word do you need to hear?

Bad Things Happen: Where is God?


In the middle of a crisis how do we find peace in the midst of difficulty? How do we come out on the other side of tragedy with more faith? The book of Job in the Bible helps us struggle with this. Job’s friends make serious mistakes as they try to console Job. How can we do better?

From Genesis: In-Between Time


Noah and his family spent a long time on the ark with the animals during the flood. Longer than most of us realize. This time was the in-between time. It was a time of waiting and wondering if God had forgotten him during the storm. Sometimes we find ourselves in the same in-between time as Noah. Through the story of the flood we can learn some ways to weather the storms of life.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church