Sermons tagged with ‘Change’

6 Items

A New Creation


Christ came to make us into a new creation. We ceased to resemble what we once were. The essence of Christianity is that each person is given a new script, a new reality, and a new identity. There is a moment when people change. A thief on a cross becomes a guest in paradise. A prostitute becomes an example of divine love. A murderer of Christians becomes the most significant Christian missionary of all time. This week we focus on how the old has passed away and everything has become new!

Jesus asked: Do you want to be healed?


Do you want to be made well? How many people caught in a troubled marriage refuse to seek counseling? How many people caught in the cycle of drug abuse feel desperate about their lives but won’t seek help because it might require change? People abuse their bodies and die early rather than change to a healthier lifestyle to live longer. People abuse their souls and watch those souls wither and perish rather than plug into the regenerating power of God’s love. Jesus knew that there are times when we are ill, and he asked us, “Do you want to be made well?” This is the focus of today’s message.

Second Chances: U Turn

Many Biblical characters needed a second chance. And when you think about it they needed a third chance, fourth chance and… In this five week sermon series, we will take a look at how Jesus was the master of giving a second chance. And when He did lives were transformed. Jesus even said, “For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10) Join us for five weeks of second chances.

On Your Heart: How is Your Heart?


As we grow older we learn to modify our behavior. We learn what to say to get a job or to get a date. We learn what to say to keep a relationship going and to make life work. But Jesus challenges us to go deeper. He wants us to examine our soul which causes us to say the things we do. He even challenged his listeners to pay more attention to things of the heart than other things they were focused on.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church