Sermons tagged with ‘Comfort’

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Pirates Ladder


We, humans, are naturally fearful. We feel insecure. Our confidence may go up and down with the stock market. Lately, it has been going down and down. There will always be problems, disasters, wars, and shootings. During elections, politicians play to those fears. So, where do we find security? Where do we find life-giving water when we are under attack? In this message, we will look at how Psalm 46 points us to several sources of security in fearful times.

Bad Things Happen: Where is God?


In the middle of a crisis how do we find peace in the midst of difficulty? How do we come out on the other side of tragedy with more faith? The book of Job in the Bible helps us struggle with this. Job’s friends make serious mistakes as they try to console Job. How can we do better?

Gospel of Dogs: A Dog’s Love


Dogs are well known for their unconditional love. They express selflessness, loyalty, faithfulness and even sacrificial love. Some dogs have even given their lives to save someone. Have you ever bothered to think that dogs exemplify the love God has for us?

Leaving the Lazy Boy


We might seek relaxation, comfort and safety. We might even buy a Lazy Boy Chair. But Jesus calls us away from all that. God’s Kingdom is filled with adventure but will we leave the comfort behind and follow Jesus?

New & Improved: Stop Trembling


When the disciples of Jesus got caught in a fishing boat in a storm they were afraid. They thought they weren’t going to survive the trip. When you are in a storm of problems and setbacks how do you cope? What do you do? Jesus gave some good advice on how to survive.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church