Sermons tagged with ‘Father’s Day’

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Not a Nuisance


Happy Father’s Day to the men who helped raise children! During Jesus’ day, children were accorded a low status in society. They were sometimes seen as property. The Disciples thought the children were a nuisance and tried to keep them away from Jesus, but Jesus would have none of that. We will look at His priority for children in a message titled, “Not a Nuisance.”

A Dad to Imitate


As we celebrate Father’s Day, we remember our dads. We give thanks for those dads who were supportive. Yet on this day we recognize that some of us were hurt by our dads who never fulfilled the role of father in our life. Some dads were awesome and some dads weren’t so awesome. Fortunately Jesus shares about a father who gives us a dad worthy to emulate.

Father Time


“How much time do you have?” A Father’s Day message about fellowship, forgiveness, mercy, and other lessons learned from our fathers.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church