Sermons tagged with ‘Guilt’

7 Items

Who is Jesus: Healer


In Mark 2:1-12, Jesus heals a paralytic man, demonstrating his divine power and inspiring faith in his disciples and others. This healing never would have happened if some dedicated friends hadn’t practiced some holy vandalism.

Forgiveness is Divine


One of the most powerful concepts of the Christian faith is forgiveness. Yet many of us struggle with it. Maybe we feel guilty over something we have done, and the feelings of shame hound us over the years. Or, possibly our relationships with others have been fractured, and people have been cut off from one another. So how do we work towards forgiveness with God, our neighbors, and our family and friends? In a four-week sermon series, we will explore the many dimensions of forgiveness.

Get Rid of the Shame


Our life may be stained. We might be ashamed of something we did or something somebody did to us. We might feel guilty over something we did or by something somebody did to us. How do we get rid of that stain of guilt?

Come Alive: We Forget


We have a tendency to forget. We forget to buy a birthday card for someone we love or we fail to show up for a very important meeting. Sometimes we even forget God. We fail to remember what God has done for us. So God has devised ways to help us remember because we need reminders.

On Your Heart: A Load of Guilt


We have all experienced guilt. Guilt reminds us we need to make something right. If we don’t make it right, we end up carrying the burden of guilt into all other relationships. In this message we will look at a solution that helps us put down the burden of guilt.

Faith Foundations: A Lamb


We have all done things we regret. Some of those poorly chosen actions might cause us to feel guilt or shame. How do we get rid of our guilt? How do we remove our shame? Some use drugs, alcohol or over-achievement to mask the guilt only to find it doesn’t work. Christianity offers one thing to overcome the guilt. One thing that no other religion offers.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church