Sermons tagged with ‘John 4’

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Second Chances: Living Water & Outcasts


Jesus often went to great lengths to meet outcasts. He broke social, racial, religious and cultural taboos to offer them a relationship with him through living water. Jesus’ grace surprised an outcast woman of Samaria so much that she went and told everybody about the Messiah. How might that living water speak to us?

Watering Hole


Every one of God’s creatures needs water. We certainly know that we can’t survive in the desert for long without water. In a similar way we need the “Living Water” that Jesus offers. Yet, we often choose to drink from other sources which pollute our soul. So where is you watering hole?

Truth + Grace


Jesus lived out the fullness of truth and grace. He told the truth when needed and held people accountable. Yet he still acted with grace. His love was so great that Tax Collectors, Adulterers, Pharisees and all types of people followed Him. In this message Pastor Fred Steinberg will take a look at how Jesus […]

Fishing: Bring Home the Lost


Sermon preached at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church in Gold Canyon, Arizona on August 30, 2015 by Rev. Fred Steinberg Gold Canyon United Methodist Church 6640 S Kings Ranch Rd. Gold Canyon, Arizona  85118 480-982-3776

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church