Sermons tagged with ‘Joseph’

8 Items

Sleep Over


There are times when we may feel isolated. A husband’s life is empty because his wife died. A person might lack friends, community, or a social network. We might feel distanced from our spouse. God knows some of us struggle with feelings of desperate loneliness. That’s why the thought that Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with us,” is a powerful theological concept. In this message, we explore how Jesus’ arrival as a baby transforms our life and brings us comfort.

Saving the Best for Last


Christmas brings blessed gifts that never wear out or become passé. Consider what each of the Christmas characters demonstrates in their lives.

Believe: A Choice


When it comes to the Christmas story, Joseph is the man in the shadows. He is often forgotten and almost invisible. So why do we need Joseph? When Mary tells Joseph that she is pregnant by the Holy Spirit, this news hits him like a ton of bricks. Mary’s pregnancy creates a serious dilemma for him. How he handles this crisis explains why he is essential to the story.

Find Joy This Christmas: When We Can’t See It


Joseph frequently gets left out of the Christmas story. He doesn’t seem to be one of the main characters. Some people have even called him the forgotten man. But Joseph is talked about seven times in the Gospels as Jesus grows to be a man. Each time he is mentioned there is sorrow and difficulty. So how does Joseph find joy?

Family Feud: Legacy


Legacy is a powerful force in families. Our parent’s and grandparent’s choices can profoundly effect us. In the Bible there is power in the example of Esau and Jacob’s conflict which gives direction to Joseph when there is serious conflict in his family. Are these powerful forces at work in your family? Are you aware of how they can direct your choices?

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church