Sermons tagged with ‘Justice’

5 Items

Roll Down, Justice: We Have Work To Do


Baptismal waters continue to feed the streams of justice as we allow the Holy Spirit to work within us every time we set our hands and feet to the work God has for us to do. As long as there are those who are hurting, hungry, excluded and oppressed, we are called to be faithful disciples, setting a table and inviting all to the feast.

Roll Down Justice: How Long?


We long for God’s justice and peace; we long to be released from the shackles of fear and injustice and until that time, we cry out with the psalmist, “How long?”

Roll Down, Justice: Child of God


This is a time of reminding ourselves who we are called to be in this world as a child of God. Our series is inspired by Amos, a prophet whose message is that God calls us to let “justice roll down like waters.”

Light Your Candle: The Voice of Mary


Mary, the young mother of Jesus, was as a woman powerless in the face of those who ruled the land. Still, in the Magnificat, Mary exults in a power that comes, not from a throne or any earthly authority, but from God. God’s powerful grace and love through Jesus is then claimed for the poor and oppressed.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church