Sermons tagged with ‘Love’

110 of 25 items

Heart of the Gospel: Loving One Another


The Apostle John calls us to remember the message we’ve known from the beginning: to love one another. In our often divided and hectic world, how do we embody this profound and powerful love? This message, “Heart of the Gospel: Loving One Another,” will explore how genuine love goes beyond words and is demonstrated through our actions. We’ll dive deep into the Scripture to understand how love shapes our relationships, builds our community, and reflects God’s presence in our lives. Discover how love, when practiced authentically, can bridge gaps, heal wounds, and bring hope to those around us.

The Giving Tree


Following Christ brings good things; we are transformed through faith and loved in spite of ourselves.

Water of Life: Get Washed Up


In this message, we delve into the heartwarming passage of John 13:1-17, where Jesus performs the ultimate act of love and service – washing His disciples’ feet. This isn’t just a story about cleanliness; it’s a powerful lesson on leadership, love, and the profound humility that should characterize our lives.

What’s Love Got to Do with It?


Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fall on the same day this year. On Ash Wednesday God hands to us the most beautiful valentine of them all…God opens up God’s heart and shows us that you and I are what God treasures most.

Heart of Christmas: Love

“Have you ever wondered what the true magic of Christmas Eve really is? Join us this Christmas Eve to discover the heartwarming story of Luke 2:1-20, where the timeless tale of Jesus’ birth unfolds under a starlit sky in Bethlehem. This special service is more than just a tradition; it’s a journey back in time to capture the essence of the moment. It’s a perfect opportunity to pause and reflect on the profound reason why we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

God’s Incredible Creation: You!


Are you feeling down about yourself lately? Join us for a special sermon on Psalm 139:1-16 where we’ll explore how with God’s help, we can learn to love and appreciate ourselves as the unique and wonderful individuals we were created to be.

I Love My Church


Some people treat the Church like a restaurant. If the experience isn’t to their liking, they’ll go somewhere else or not go at all. This is beyond unfortunate. It sets up expectations for the Church that it was never intended to fulfill. In this message, we will look at how Jesus intended the Church to be based on relationships that connect us.

Jesus asked: “Do you love me?”


Jesus asks, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” Just as Peter denied any knowledge of Jesus three times on that hideous night, Peter is now allowed to announce his love for Jesus the same number of times. In this interaction, Peter has a chance to realize how deep and genuine his love for Jesus is. It’s easy to imagine Jesus asking us, “Do you love me?” As Christians, we know our answer would be, “yes!” Then how do we show it? This message will look at how our answer changes our actions toward others.

I Am… the Good Shepherd


Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd. Which means we are the sheep. Now we may not be flattered by being called sheep but the relationship between shepherd and sheep is a great description of our relationship with Jesus.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church