Sermons tagged with ‘Matthew 16’

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Giving from the Heart: Paradox of Sacrifice


In the New Testament, we read how Christians were routinely persecuted. They were harassed, beaten, flogged, thrown in prison, or killed. Yet the Apostles suffering caused the leaders of the early church to rejoice. This is the paradox of sacrifice. We will focus on this paradox in a message titled, “Giving from the Heart: Paradox of Sacrifice.”

Peter: Guess Who?


Who do people say that Jesus is? The Barna Research organization reports that nine in ten American adults say Jesus was a real person, but only 56% believe Jesus is God. The question was so important that Jesus takes a poll and asks his disciples what they heard others say. Their answers vary. Then he asks his disciples what they think. Of course, it is Peter who hits the nail on the head.

I Am…the Resurrection, and the Life


2,000 years ago Jesus was dead. The stone had been rolled in front of the tomb and the tomb was sealed. This was the end of the story for most Messiahs in the 1st century. But something different happened in the case of Jesus. It was so different that even the disciples had doubts at first. But then the astonishing truth became clear.

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Sermon preached at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church in Gold Canyon, Arizona on July 19, 2015 by Rev. Fred Steinberg

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church