Sermons tagged with ‘Matthew 26’

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Journey to Easter: Betrayed by a Kiss


Have you ever suffered a betrayal? Typically, we experience betrayal by someone close to us. Maybe it’s a business partner. Perhaps it’s a friend, or it might even be a family member. It is somebody who knows us well, so it hurts deeply. Judas betrayed Jesus. Later Judas agonized over his betrayal. The agony was so great he took his own life. What might’ve happened to Judas if he had waited two days? What might’ve happened if he saw Jesus raised from the dead? We will explore this thought and others in this message.

Peter: When We’re At Our Worst


Guilt is our conscience reminding us that we should have done better. We know we have done something wrong, and we deserve the consequences of our actions. In this week’s message, we learn how Jesus works with a man who felt incredibly guilty when he did what he proclaimed he would never do.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church