Sermons tagged with ‘Nativity’

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Answered by a Baby’s Cry


Sometimes, characters from nativity displays go missing. Unfortunately, nativity theft is a common crime. Can you guess which character is stolen the most? The baby Jesus is the character that’s most frequently stolen. In that case, we ask the question, where is Jesus? That’s a great question to ask during Christmas Eve worship. Has Jesus gone missing from our lives?

Case of the Missing Baby


Sometimes, characters from nativity displays go missing. Unfortunately, nativity theft is a common crime. Can you guess which character is stolen the most? The baby Jesus is the character that’s most frequently stolen. In that case, we ask the question, where is Jesus? That’s a great question to ask during Christmas Eve worship. Has Jesus gone missing from our lives?

Believe: The Shepherd’s Invitation


When you throw a party, one of the first things you do is make up a guest list. The list would be about whom to include and whom not to include. God’s list of guests consists of some surprising people. God invited the lowest on the social ladder and welcomed the prominent and wise. That’s God’s idea of a party.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church