Sermons tagged with ‘Old’

3 Items

A New Creation


Christ came to make us into a new creation. We ceased to resemble what we once were. The essence of Christianity is that each person is given a new script, a new reality, and a new identity. There is a moment when people change. A thief on a cross becomes a guest in paradise. A prostitute becomes an example of divine love. A murderer of Christians becomes the most significant Christian missionary of all time. This week we focus on how the old has passed away and everything has become new!

Muzzling Monsters: Life is Short


We may fear death. We may be anxious about growing old. Someone once said, aging is not for sissies.We may worry about losing our memory when we can’t remember something that we’ve always known. So how do we deal with these fears? What will help us have peace?

Two Parts to Life


There are two parts to life. The first helps us prepare for the second half. Psalm 92 says, “in old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap.” So how do we use our first half to infuse the second half of our life with significance?

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church