Sermons tagged with ‘Outcasts’

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Who is Jesus: Living Water


Looking to quench your thirst for spiritual refreshment? The scripture in this message tells the story of Jesus asking a Samaritan woman for a drink of water. It was surprising as Jews and Samaritans didn’t share things in common, but Jesus had a plan in mind. Jesus knew the woman had a hard life, and he promised her something extraordinary – “living water.” This water would ease the pain in her heart and refresh her life in ways she couldn’t imagine. As we explore this story, we’ll learn that living water is available to all who seek it.

Second Chances: Living Water & Outcasts


Jesus often went to great lengths to meet outcasts. He broke social, racial, religious and cultural taboos to offer them a relationship with him through living water. Jesus’ grace surprised an outcast woman of Samaria so much that she went and told everybody about the Messiah. How might that living water speak to us?

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church