Sermons tagged with ‘Philippians 4’

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Thankful Heart


People who give thanks are healthier and happier. They have more friends, they do better at school, and they thrive at work. Being grateful has fantastic benefits. If you deal with depression or anxiety, giving thanks can help tremendously. But we frequently forget to give thanks. Often there is a gratitude gap in our lives. In this message, we find ways to make Thanksgiving a rhythm in our life.

Grumbling or Gratitude


In 1 Thessalonians 5:16 we are told to give thanks in all circumstances. That is hard to stomach. It’s hard to believe we should give thanks for cancer, death of a child, war or other tragedies. Fortunately there is one word that clarifies the whole issue and makes this verse extremely helpful.

New & Improved: Worrywart


Jesus tells us not to worry. Yet there is so much to worry about. We worry about finances, relationships, health, politics and so much more. There is a never ending source of worries. How do we deal with these worries that we might live in peace.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church