Sermons tagged with ‘Rock’

3 Items

Peter: Guess Who?


Who do people say that Jesus is? The Barna Research organization reports that nine in ten American adults say Jesus was a real person, but only 56% believe Jesus is God. The question was so important that Jesus takes a poll and asks his disciples what they heard others say. Their answers vary. Then he asks his disciples what they think. Of course, it is Peter who hits the nail on the head.

One Without the Other


Why are some Christians mean and unethical? Why are some of the most knowledgeable people about the Bible the most uncaring and unloving people that we have ever met? We would expect all Christians to be loving and compassionate. Yet our experience tells us that this is not true. Some Christians are loving while others don’t seem to have let their knowledge about Jesus change their actions. Why is there a difference? Pastor Fred Steinberg will explain the critical difference in this message.

Easter Puppet Show


Puppet show done at Gold Canyon United Methodist Church in Gold Canyon, Arizona on March 27, 2016

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church