Leap of Faith
Faith is the bridge between where I am, and the place God is taking me. Hear what skydiving, Peter’s walk on the water, and making a decision to follow Christ all have in common.
Faith is the bridge between where I am, and the place God is taking me. Hear what skydiving, Peter’s walk on the water, and making a decision to follow Christ all have in common.
This message will help you locate yourself in the account of the 10 lepers and hear it in a fresh way, building one’s commitment to prayer and trust.
Were you ever admonished “Don’t be a sheep?” When Jesus identified himself as Shepherd he described an occupation familiar to his hearers, challenging their relationship, and ours, with him.
There is always a gap between our expectations and the reality of what happens in a marriage relationship. What we place in this gap can either kill a marriage or help a marriage flourish. Pastor Fred will talk about what we might place in that gap.
Jesus tells us not to worry. Yet there is so much to worry about. We worry about finances, relationships, health, politics and so much more. There is a never ending source of worries. How do we deal with these worries that we might live in peace.
Life sends us curve balls. We lose our job. Our spouse dies. We file for bankruptcy. We get a divorce. We are hurt in a severe accident. A child becomes addicted to drugs. The list goes on and on. Mary the mother of Jesus was thrown a curve ball when the angel tells her that she will give birth to the son of God. Her reaction to Gabriel’s curve ball is a helpful example of how we might react.
When the world was a mess God picked Abraham to help him fix the mess that humankind had created. Abraham did such a great job that three major world religions call him one of their most important figures. He changed the world because he was able to do one thing. In this message we will explore the one action that can help us build a strong faith foundation.