Sermons tagged with ‘Words’

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Words for 2021


Our self talk can be destructive. The words we speak to ourselves can be damaging. Do you start your sentences with I can’t? Do you feel that you are not worthy? Others may have torn you down with their destructive words. Fortunately there are new words we can learn for 2021.

Words That Don’t Taste Good


Words are outward, verbal expressions of internal attitudes and judgments that define our character and integrity. When we say something that we later know was wrong, we have to take back our words–we have to eat them.

Spring Fed Words


On Mother’s Day we celebrate those people who lifted us up with their words. Their words gave us life and hope. Yet some on Mother’s Day remember the pain of hurtful words or the absence of words. Pastor Fred will talk about the right word ingredients which make all the difference.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church