Sermons tagged with ‘Worry’

7 Items

Who is Jesus: Calming Our Fears


Storms hit all of us, and in these rough times, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. But when the waves threaten to swamp our boat, we have a decision to make – will we trust in Jesus? In this message, we’ll explore how Jesus calmed the storm and saved his disciples, teaching us the power of trusting in him during life’s most challenging moments.

A Nervous Rex


Arthur Roche once said, “Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” Did you know anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States? Fortunately, the Apostle Paul gives us a remedy for anxiety and fear in Philippians 4:4-9.

Come Alive: In case of Emergency Break Glass


There are times when we are afraid and we have every reason to be afraid. The storm is very real and the threat of drowning is a possibility. How do we handle our fear? How do we handle a difficult situation? Fortunately there are ways to weather the storm.

Muzzling Monsters: When I Am Afraid


In today’s world there is so much to fear: terrorism, global warming, economic insecurity, mass shootings, conflict with Iran and fears regarding our family and health. President Franklin Roosevelt once said, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” The Bible’s response to this is to say over and over, “Do not be afraid.” In this sermon series we will discover ways to build our faith so that our fear might be diminished.

New & Improved: Worrywart


Jesus tells us not to worry. Yet there is so much to worry about. We worry about finances, relationships, health, politics and so much more. There is a never ending source of worries. How do we deal with these worries that we might live in peace.

New & Improved: Stop Trembling


When the disciples of Jesus got caught in a fishing boat in a storm they were afraid. They thought they weren’t going to survive the trip. When you are in a storm of problems and setbacks how do you cope? What do you do? Jesus gave some good advice on how to survive.

Gold Canyon United Methodist Church